Friday, November 9, 2007

Well, nothing new or exciting has been happening at the tiny ranch. There is another fire near us enough that the air was thick with smoke; so much so, it burned my eyes. The kids wanted to play outside so bad - it was a day they didn't need to wear their jackets - so instead, they got out ALL their craft stuff! Oh the drama! Shrill sounds of 'Help me puh-leeezz!' and 'That's not fair' and the littlest one chiming in with 'MIIINE!' They are cuties though.

Chey loves to be in the middle of everything and be a little helper too. Here's a photo of her last year helping daddy install the new dishwasher. She was handing him tools until she decided something in her bedroom needed tinkering with, and took off with the screwdriver.

I'm not sure how much she was actually helping here:

I think she was definitely having too much fun with the styrofoam. There were little balls EVERYWHERE! When all three girls were completely covered, they decided to run through the house and chase each other and Ruger. Talk about vacuuming everyday for a complete week...nevermind, let's not. They had fun and that's what counts (can you hear me laughing?).

Well, until next time...

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