Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Poky Little Puppy's First Christmas

Kayla was in her first play! She was Poky Puppy and a very cute one at that. Very suiting for her also with her motto being, "Wait for me!"

I know this will be long, but it was such a cute play, I want to share it with you.

The North Pole is a busy place this time of year and yet Santa makes the time to keep track of each boy and girl and even puppies to see if they are naughty or nice.

Santa: "Ho, ho, ho, let's see here. The children at the bottom of the hill are helping their mother dust the living room. I'll make sure they are on the 'nice list'."

As Santa filled out his list he saw some little puppies were just waking up....

One winter morning, five little puppies tumbled out of bed and ran to the window excitedly. The whole world was white and sparkly.

Puppies: "Snow! Let's go play in the snow!"

Mother Dog: "Very well, but remember--don't sneak under the fence! And don't go running off up the hill!"

Puppies: "We won't!"

But when their mother was busy with her work, one puppy spoke up.

Puppy #1: "Our mother said we couldn't go under the fence..."

Puppy #2: "But she didn't say don't go over the fence!"

Puppy #3: "She said we couldn't go up the hill..."

Puppy #4: "But she didn't say don't go down the hill!"

Puppies: "Let's go!!"

Kayla: "Wait for me!"

Called the Poky puppy as she struggled through the snowdrifts.
(The puppies go over the fence and down the hill. The poky puppy struggles to get over the fence but gives up.)

Bluebird & Bunny: "Those puppies are going to get in trouble!"

The four lively little puppies ran and ran, until they came to a house at the bottom of the hill. They tiptoed to a window and peeked in.

Puppy #1: "Look, a tree, a beautiful tree!"

Puppy #2: "Wow."

Puppy #3: "And a star is shining at the very top of the tree."

Puppy #4: "I wish I had one!"

(The Poky puppy finally gets over the fence and to the middle of the stage and sits down.)

With that they turned and raced back up the hill as fast as they could. They met the Poky little puppy coming down the hill.

Puppies: "Come on! Hurry, let us tell you what we saw."
(The puppies arrive home and sit on their puppy bed.)

Child #1: "Did you see something looking in the window?"

Child #2: "No, but I see little paw prints."

Child #3: "I wish I had a puppy!"

As the puppies were telling the Poky little puppy about every thing they had seen at the house down the hill in flew a very wise crow.

Crow: "Caw! Caw! I can tell you many things about Christmas. I fly everywhere and see everything."

Crow told the five little puppies about Christmas trees and Christmas gifts. He told them about a jolly, fat man in a red suit who comes on Christmas Eve and leaves presents.

That night, as they snuggled under the covers, the puppies made exciting plans.

"Let's have Christmas," they said. "We'll write a letter to Santa Claus and we'll go into the woods and find a Christmas tree."

Santa (at his desk at the North Pole): "Those puppies sure are cute but they are not minding their mother. I may have to put them on the naughty list!"

But the next morning, the puppies Mother said crossly...

Mother Dog: "I saw muddy paw prints on top of the fence. And I saw puppy paw marks going down the hill!" (the five puppies hang their heads.) "Now remember, don't go under the fence or over the fence. Don't go up the hill or down the hill."

Puppies: "We won't!"

But when their mother was busy with her work, one puppy spoke up.

Puppy #1: "Our mother didn't say don't go through the fence..."

Puppy #2: "And I know a little place just right to squeeze through!"

Puppy #3: "Our mother didn't say not to go across the hill..."

Puppy #4: "And that's the way to the woods!"

Puppies: "Let's go!"

Kayla: "Wait for me!"
(The Poky little puppy struggled to squeeze through the fence--shaking her bum. The four lively puppies run to the woods.)

Skunk: "Those puppies are going to get in trouble!"

Puppy #1: "Look, here's a little tree we could take home!"

Puppy #2: "I found some berries!"

Puppy #3: "I found some acorns."

Puppy #4: "Wow, look at all the pine-cones I found!"

They were just ready to start back home when the Poky little puppy came bouncing up.

Kayla: "I may be poky, but I'm a good finder! I'm going to make a star for the top of the tree!"

That evening the puppies wrote a letter to Santa Claus and put it up on the fence. It said, "Dear Santa Claus, Please bring up juicy bones to chew and rubber balls to chase."

When they were all snug in their bed the Poky little puppy said:

Kayla: "Tomorrow is Christmas Eve and that is when Santa Claus comes!"

But the next morning, they found a sign on the fence right beside their letter to Santa. It said, "Santa Claus brings presents only to good little puppies who mind their mother."

Puppies: "Oh dear! Maybe Santa Claus won't come at all!"

Puppy #1: "Being good means minding our mother."

Puppy #2: "And eating all our dinner."

Puppy #3: "And keeping our paws and noses clean."

Puppy #4: "And going to bed on time."

Kayla: "And not running off and leaving me behind!"

Crow: Being good also means making other happy. Christmas isn't just getting. It's giving too."

Kayla: "Let's have a party for our friends." (the Poky Puppy scratches her head.) "But if we have to be good and stay home all day who will invite them?"

Crow: "I will. I fly everywhere and see everybody."

All that day the puppies stayed close to home and were very, very good.

Crow: "Hello Miss Bunny. The puppies are having a Christmas party and you are invited!"

Bunny: "A party? I love parties. I'll hop right over!"

Crow: "Hello Mr. Skunk. The puppies are having a Christmas party and you are invited!"

Skunk: "Are you sure they meant me? I don't get invited to many parties."

Crow: "Of course they meant you."

Skunk: "Then I will stroll over right away!"

Crow: "Hello little Bluebird. The puppies are having a Christmas party and you are invited!"

Bluebird: "Little ole me? I would just love to fly over!"

That evening all the puppies and their friends decorated the branch with all the pretty things they found in the woods. Then they danced around the tree and sang a few Christmas songs.

Ruff, ruff, ruff, ruff, ruff, ruff, caw, caw, caw, tweet, tweet, tweet. (to the tune of Jingle Bells.)

Then they all fell fast asleep by their Christmas tree.

At the little house down the hill the children were getting ready for bed.

Child #1: "I hope Santa likes sugar cookies and milk."

Child #2: "I brought some carrots for the reindeer!"

Child #3: "I hope I see Santa tonight; I'm too excited to sleep!"

Child #1: "I hope he fills my stocking with lots of nuts and candy and a big surprise!"

Child #2: "I'm wishing for something cuddly and soft, a puppy for Christmas would be nice!"

Soon the faint sound of bells could be heard in the frosty air. It was Santa!

Santa: "Ho, ho, ho! I'm glad the puppies decided to mind their mother. I have some special gifts for them." (Santa puts the gifts by the tree. Then he rides his reindeer to the little house and puts presents by the tree and fills the stockings. Santa turns and waves to the audience.)

Santa: "Merry Christmas!"

Early the next morning, for the very first time in her life, the poky puppy was up ahead of everyone else.

Kayla: "Merry Christmas!" (all the puppies jump up where they are and smile. they are excited about the presents.) "Santa did come after all! Mother, mother, come see our presents!"

Sure enough the puppies got juicy bones and rubber balls but there was also carrots, apples and birdseed. And Santa brought a warm sweater for their mother.

Mother Dog: "These are wonderful gifts. Santa has been very kind to us. Now I have something for my five little puppies. Something so I will always know where they are going!"

And around each puppy's neck she fastened a bright red ribbon and a big jingle bell!

Meanwhile down at the little house...

Child #1: "Wow! Look at that beautiful box!"

Child #2: "It says it is for the children who help their mother."

Child #3: "That's us!" (children open the box.) "It's the puppy we've always wanted!"

Just remember you never know what Santa night bring you, but he is watching to see if you are naughty or nice. No matter how young or old you night be! Merry Christmas!

Kayla knew all her lines and actions and was just the cutest Poky Little Puppy! I may be somewhat biased, but she was the cutest one on stage too!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


What else can I say? They are so darn cute at times, yet, constantly testing my sanity.

The other day I told Jason I wanted to make some gift tags, but dreaded the idea of dragging all the stuff out because children always want to 'help.' I ended up getting it out, and he laughed at me for using the term 'dragging it all out' since that is exactly what I did.

Can you imagine what happened next? Yes, children! They all left their beloved T.V. shows (which they rarely get to watch) and decided to join me at the table. I've got paper here, templates over there, stamps and markers somewhere, and next thing I know, all my things are being stacked on top of one another and now falling off the table. They have taken over! We had fun though, even with Cheyenne's grabby little fingers; taking things and running away screaming 'Nah Nah Na Nah Na' and touching everything, getting glitter-glue on her and everything else.

Then the last two nights have been a test of wills and strength. The girls play in their room and literally trash the place and then scream and cry that they have to clean it up. We told them all kinds of things to try to get them to clean that room: 'Aren't you supposed to be good little girls right now? Santa's not going to bring you anything when you don't mind your parents. He won't be able to fit another thing in this house if there's this huge mess.'

On and on it went. Screaming and yelling and crying and...where's the rum and coke? It finally came down to, "Obviously you have too much stuff. Let's get rid of some things and then there won't be so much to clean up."

And then the crying and wailing, "NNNOOOOO! I don't want to!"

"Then clean up and let's be done with it!"

"It's too hard!"

"Then let's get rid of some stuff."

"NNOOO! We play with it all."

"I can see that because I can't see your floor! So put it all away!"



They finally got it done. Well, kind of. Everything seems to be thrown in the closet. My first thought is to pack up ALL their toys and then they can't make a mess, right? Seems a little harsh though. So my next thought is to go through their stuff and decide for myself what needs to go. What they don't know they can't miss. But then it's a job I don't want to do. Is it my turn to throw a temper tantrum? Guess it wouldn't be very 'mommy' of me.

But, something in our house happened over night. This morning those girls were ready and waiting for the bus to come - a whole 5 minutes before! That hasn't happened first week of school? They are usually hollering and scrambling, while one of them jumps out the door, hoping the bus driver will see them on the porch as he drives past our house. Then they run down the street while he patiently waits.

Then they even apologized, "Momma, I'm sorry." Confusion on my face I ask, for what? "For not cleaning our room and making you mad. And we'll do our chores right when we get home and we won't screw around either." I believe my eyes popped right out! Did Santa visit them in the night and have a talk with them? I don't know, but I'm liking it. Do I still clean out their room now? But if I don't, I'm sure the change of heart they had will be changed once more once they are home from school. AAhhh, parenthood.

Even little Cheyenne is being a cutie this morning. She has been on edge. or rather, putting me on edge, for the last few days. How can she know Santa's coming and this is the time of year to test the parents? I don't know. But like I said, she is being so darn cute I've just been rolling with laughter.

In the morning she does her usual hang-on-the-pantry-door-knob and whine until someone opens it. She then says no, or, her favorite, 'no-pah,' to everything you offer her, until she decides she wants vienna sausages or cheese crackers for breakfast. This morning, however, she settled for oatmeal. I just grabbed a package and it was raisins and spice. Mmm, raisins, her favorite. She hasn't ever had this kind of oatmeal because the older two usually beat her to it.

Once it cooled down and she was in her high-chair, she became a jibber-jabber. "Momma!" she screams! I look at her and ask her, what? "UUHHH!" She has fished a raisin out of the oatmeal and has to show me. Then, "Momma," she has to show me that she put it in her mouth, and then, "UUHHH," she shows me that she swallowed it. Again and again she did this until all the raisins were gone and she was covered in oatmeal.

She finished it all and I got her undressed. Oatmeal everywhere! Her forehead, eyelids, hair and elbows included. I was rinsing out the wash cloth for the third time, when she says, "mess!" (a new word by the way). I look up just in time to see her throw her messy shirt in the garbage! I guess she thought it was too messy to clean up. I pulled it out and told her that's not where her shirt goes. She put her head down and started picking at her nails (what she does when she doesn't want you to be there) and says, "howwy" (doesn't quite have the 's' sound down yet, or 'r', but sure cute).

I was still cleaning the high-chair when she climbs in a chair to get to the table. She opened the box of colored pencils and dumped them out. She starts screaming "WAIT!" as they are all rolling around and falling off the table. She says, "Momma, uuhhh!" I say, "Yup, you made a mess. Now help me pick them up." "Mess!" she screams again as she grabs handfuls of pencils.

I got a 'high-five' when we were all done!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Me me me...

Alright, enough about the kids let's talk about me - LOL! I'm just kidding, I just want to say a few things. Lately I have this bad habit of talking myself out of things and I find, more often than not, I regret my decision. I wanted to post about Thanksgiving some more and have each of us post our thanks, but I am too much of a perfectionist for my own good. Since I didn't have the photos I wanted, and the older girls are at school and Jason is at work while I do this blog, I got frustrated with myself and gave up on the idea. However, it has still been on my mind. There are things I have wanted to let others know for a couple years now. Last year we were late to Thanksgiving dinner and missed the giving of thanks. This year it was decided to give thanks after dinner but then it was forgotten. So here I sit with all my thoughts wondering what to do. Now, I'm not very good at expressing my feelings, much less sharing them. The right words always fail me, besides I always cry when I share my feelings (just ask Jason). But here I go:

I am so thankful for my wonderful parents. I feel like I don't tell them or show them enough for all that they have done for me and my children. Through all my not-so-smart decisions and the trials and tribulations I caused myself, my parents stood by my side with their unconditional love, support and patience. I can't imagine making it through those times without them.

I am thankful for my beautiful, talented and intelligent girls. They gave me courage in the darkest times and the will to trudge through it all. They gave me hope for something better and they continue to do so.

I am thankful for the extended family we have gained. Everyone has accepted my children and me without judgement for my past. Jason tells me that's just who you are, but I know there aren't many people out there with the kind of hearts that you have. I couldn't ask for better friends.

I saved the best for last. I am so very thankful for my amazing husband. You know, after my divorce and the couple guys I dated, I told my mom, somewhat joking, that I was going to find me a sugar-daddy - screw love, it hurt too much. Even when Jason and I started hanging out and talking more, I was scared. I wasn't ready to give any piece of my heart away again. Luckily, neither was he. But as time progressed, and the more and more moments we shared, we realized there was an undeniable love - one of which I told my mom I have never felt before. I told her that I didn't know you could love someone as much as I love Jason. He is everything I could've imagined and more. Not only does he love me like no other, he loves my children as much as he loves me and as if they were his own. He is my greatest support and best-est friend. I couldn't dream of a more wonderful man to be my husband and my children's dad.

I love you!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Sing...Sing a Song...

Monday night the school put on a Christmas program - in the high school gymnasium where every one can fit. The principal announced that this year they now have about 500 students. Makes me wonder how many students I went to school with in the Big City.

Jason didn't know if he would make it. His pickup was running strangely and when he went out to work on it, it wouldn't even start. I took him to work since he didn't even know how his day would go and couldn't leave me without a vehicle to get the kids to their program. A long, horrible-day story short, things were changed and moved around and he was able to bring his Big Truck home just in time to head out the door.

I recorded my little darlings singing to their hearts content, although, like the video of Abriana's 3rd grade program, it's not all that great. In fact, I think this one is worse. A couple sat down next to us where I had left a one little-person space. I wanted to be on the end to jump up at will to take photos and such, but Cheyenne was playing musical parent-laps. So I left that little space for her when I needed her off my lap.

So the mother sat on the steps while the father squished next to me with his little brat - I mean boy. This child was about 2 and just a misbehaved little...Oh I shouldn't talk bad about other people's children! This little boy had a set of lungs and a mouth! He kept screaming at his dad to let him down now, and that he was stupid and mean. The father would quietly tell him "silencio." Then he would bounce the screaming boy on his knee causing the whole bleacher and every one on it to bounce also, including my camera.

This wasn't supposed to be a rant about the couple next to us. I guess I was, and still am, a little more upset than I thought. Oh well, it was a good attempt that, maybe, after I review it, will still be shared at Christmas with the family. I'm sure every one understands and has been in a similar situation.

I took some pictures of the girls as well. The zoom on our camera makes things kinda blurry, but you get the gist.

The whole school sang The Little Drummer Boy, Things I Almost Remember, It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year. Abriana's class sang I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas and Kayla's class sang Mr. Santa. It was another cute program (even though I could hardly hear it). The girls had fun and that's what counts. Even Chey made some friends with the little boy and girl sitting next to Jason. She sure isn't shy around people her size!

The other night we all wondered where Cheyenne was and what she was up to - she was way too quiet. This is what we found:

Asleep on the couch watching TV!

Check out the comment Jason left under the post 'Here Fishy fishy.' Makes the story funnier than how I told it.