Jason didn't know if he would make it. His pickup was running strangely and when he went out to work on it, it wouldn't even start. I took him to work since he didn't even know how his day would go and couldn't leave me without a vehicle to get the kids to their program. A long, horrible-day story short, things were changed and moved around and he was able to bring his Big Truck home just in time to head out the door.
I recorded my little darlings singing to their hearts content, although, like the video of Abriana's 3rd grade program, it's not all that great. In fact, I think this one is worse. A couple sat down next to us where I had left a one little-person space. I wanted to be on the end to jump up at will to take photos and such, but Cheyenne was playing musical parent-laps. So I left that little space for her when I needed her off my lap.
So the mother sat on the steps while the father squished next to me with his little brat - I mean boy. This child was about 2 and just a misbehaved little...Oh I shouldn't talk bad about other people's children! This little boy had a set of lungs and a mouth! He kept screaming at his dad to let him down now, and that he was stupid and mean. The father would quietly tell him "silencio." Then he would bounce the screaming boy on his knee causing the whole bleacher and every one on it to bounce also, including my camera.
This wasn't supposed to be a rant about the couple next to us. I guess I was, and still am, a little more upset than I thought. Oh well, it was a good attempt that, maybe, after I review it, will still be shared at Christmas with the family. I'm sure every one understands and has been in a similar situation.
I took some pictures of the girls as well. The zoom on our camera makes things kinda blurry, but you get the gist.
The whole school sang The Little Drummer Boy, Things I Almost Remember, It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year. Abriana's class sang I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas and Kayla's class sang Mr. Santa. It was another cute program (even though I could hardly hear it). The girls had fun and that's what counts. Even Chey made some friends with the little boy and girl sitting next to Jason. She sure isn't shy around people her size!
The other night we all wondered where Cheyenne was and what she was up to - she was way too quiet. This is what we found:
Asleep on the couch watching TV!
Check out the comment Jason left under the post 'Here Fishy fishy.' Makes the story funnier than how I told it.
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