Thursday, January 31, 2008
Fun in the snow...well, for some...
My parents came down Saturday with their wheeler and Dad's gun he hasn't shot. We took them to the area we have been watching deer and got out my target thrower. Dad is just as good of a shot as I am. It was really neat for me to be out there with my dad. I don't remember him going hunting or shooting when I was little, so this was a really special daddy-daughter experience for me. I hope my girls feel the same way with their dad when he takes them shooting.
Mom finally had the chance to take the wheeler out herself. I don't know who was having more fun, the girls or mom or Sophie! Sophie is 12 years old and enjoys sleeping and sleeping. If she wasn't on the wheeler she was chasing it all around! I haven't seen her run like that since...well, for years! (this picture was actually taken Sunday but it shows Soph in her favorite spot.)
When we were all frozen and had had enough fun for the day, we took the back roads home hoping to get a chance for Mom and Dad to see some deer. Oh and did we! We were thinking it was a little too early for them to be down near the road, and some of them were, but others were right there! Mom got some incredible pictures that I will have to get from her. We saw a good hundred deer or so. One group of about 8 were feeding just off the side of the road, and there we saw the first buck. Just a little 2 point, but it was nice to see some antlers. The last really close group was in the town of Mayfield, a momma and triplets standing in someone's front yard! It was cool to see those furry little ones so close.
Sunday, Eric and Leslie brought their truck and we fired up ours (which hasn't moved since the Elk hunt in early October) and Mom and Dad were on their wheeler. Thought we'd show the parents one of our other favorite past times. Yup, they got to see what happens sometimes when wheeling! We were leading the way up a little draw to get up on the ridge when we slipped sideways. Thought we just hit that big rock over there with the back tire. Nope, the big rock went under the truck and actually candy-cane striped the drive-line. OOPS! Eric tried to pull us sideways with little success, so he got in front and pulled.
The truck ended up sitting on top of the rock on the rear differential, the rear tires were about 3 inches off the ground.
As frustrating as it is to get stuck, and sometimes you are stuck bad, I think the guys like the challenge. Not only the challenge of wheeling something tough, but getting out of sticky situations, especially when they prevail.
So they jacked the truck up and put logs and rocks and Eric's trailer ramps under the tires.
And Eric pulled...
And pulled...Ta-Dah!!!
We got up on top and had a gorgeous view! Then we went to go find deeper snow to play in since there wasn't as much mud as we all would have liked. Yes, we got stuck again. The snow was so deep and frozen hard, the trucks had a hard time getting out of the ruts to turn around. Once we were all pointed downhill, we headed down.
Enough time had passed that the snow and mud down below started to thaw. We had some fun donut wars and a fun-filled weekend, again.
Poor Cheyenne had started with a cough just as the weekend began. She was miserable with it and her stuffed-up-runny-nose, but keeping a smile.
I took both Cheyenne and Abriana to the doctor on Monday. Abriana's strep culture came back negative, she just has a cold. Cheyenne has a 'bilateral' ear-infection (ear-infection in both ears) and a possilbe UTI. As miserable as she should feel, she sure doesn't act like it. What a trooper!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
A great weekend...
Kayla isn't quite strong enough or big enough for her Red Rider BB gun, but we were able to figure out a way for her to get some shots off. I think she was a little overwhelmed by the whole experience and she gave up fairly soon. But she did great and had a lot of fun.
Abriana did very well shooting her Cricket. The first cans we set up were about 30 yards out. She wasn't able to hit one because we found out her sights need some adjustment, but she sure was shooting in the same spot every time. So I told her to shoot at the closer cans that we set up for Kayla. Bam! Her first shot went right through the middle of the Dr. Pepper can! So she aimed at the Coke can, BAM, again right through the middle! I think I have a little shooter!
She was having so much fun, we had to tell her it was time to go when the rest of us got too cold.
Then we did what we do and love best - drove around exploring. And what a beautiful day it was!
You never know who or what you might come across out in the sticks. The long-horn on the left thought he was 'king of the hill' and was still there when we drove out hours later. The one on the right wanted to cross the road in front of us and was so close I couldn't pass up taking a picture, besides its horns are not normal. They are growing up and back, instead of the usual out and up.
When I first saw this rock I told Jason we need to plan a trip to Goblin Valley. Then when we got a closer look I realized it wasn't a goblin, it's Elmer Fudd petrified.
Cheyenne found a new way to entertain herself. She plugged her ears and was saying "AAAHHHHH" as we went over bumps. We all had a fun filled Saturday.
Sunday we went to SL for the first WSS of the year. It was so nice to see everyone and spend the day with one another. What a great idea! I was so tickled to see Cheyenne warm up to everybody - finally! everyone else can see how cute and crazy she is. And Grandma Linda got enough hugs and lovin' to make up for all the other times Chey was being a stinker. The kids can't wait for the next one when they can have more time with their grandparents and cousins.
When we came home we found these guys hanging out in our yard, freezing and starving. After talking to the neighbors and not finding where they belong, I have called the city to have them picked up. Since Kayla and I are allergic to cats and Ruger hates puppies, it's best for us to find them a place to be. They sure are adorable and snuggly though.
Monday, January 14, 2008
What to do when it's cold...
We had one small herd cross the road in front of us and finally spotted a buck. The girls thought it was SO cool!
My Christmas present finally arrived Thursday, so when Jason worked just a few hours Friday, we went to play with it before the older girls got home from school. On my eighth shot I hit a clay pigeon! Then proceeded to hit the next 3 in a row! When it was time for the girls to get home, I talked Jason into going to spot more deer.
Very good idea I had, if I should say so myself. We stopped to look at all the deer tracks in the snow, and looked up to see 3 does cross in front of us. Chey then spotted the next group. She was so excited she could only scream. Then it was, "Mommy, Dad, Mommy, Dad, Bee, Mom, Kay-da..."
On our way back down that road, we saw many more coming out to eat. They were farther away up on a hill or on top of a ridge, but there were about 30 of them throughout. We saw a nice buck high on the ridge, looked like a 4-point. Then we found THE honey hole! There were probably 15-18 deer grazing in the same spot. Another jeep came down the road towards us and spooked them up the hill so we were unable to get any pictures. There were 2 2-points, a 2 by 3, and 3 with RACKS! Jason guesses the big one was 30-32 inches wide. It was absolutely amazing to see them and it gave Jason buck-fever! Too bad the hunt isn't for 10 months!
So of course the next night Jason was more than eager to spot more deer, especially that same herd. We to the same spot but we got there earlier than the night before, they weren't there. But across the road on another ridge we saw the 2 by 3 again. The big ones were either still bedded down or hidden, so we went looking elsewhere for the time being.
I got a picture of buck here, but he is the one standing right in front of the bush.
I stopped counting deer after the 20th one on this hill.
Although we didn't end up where we wanted, or see those big bucks again, we did see more deer and had a blast just exploring and spending time together.
Sunday we went ice-fishing with Uncky Eric and Aunt Leslie. Went to Palisade and didn't produce anything for our efforts. It was snowing and cold so we went to Yuba. Everyone seemed to be at Yuba, but the perch are biting and you can now keep them.
The girls weren't into ice-fishing much, they just wanted to play, so they were sledding and making snow angels. I spent most of the time in the jeep; Chey was so tired but as soon as we'd get in the jeep she wanted to bounce around and play with the windows. It was still fun though. Leslie was saying she has never caught anything out of Yuba and then, tug, she hooked one! She even caught another one! Eric got a little tiny one, Jason caught 4 and reeled one in on my pole.
We all had a good time and a lotta fun!
Monday, January 7, 2008
Family trip/reunion
We have wanted it to be on or around a holiday so everyone can remember and plan on it, and so that we have 3 days together. However, this leaves us with few options, as well as, fewer choices of where to camp. Jason and I went back and forth about this and that, and we decided 'twas best to get everyone's suggestions. So, please leave comments with your suggestions.
My two-cents: Labor Day weekend is already spoken for for my dad's family reunion.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Happy New Year!
The weekend before Christmas my brother, his family and my parents were able to come see us. It was great to spend some quality time with them before the chaos of flying wrapping paper and squealing kids stole the scene.
Then my parents were able to come down and spend Christmas Eve with us while I attempted my first turkey. It all turned out awesome, just a little late.
It was so enjoyable to share Christmas morning with my parents too. They were able to see all that the kids got and help take pictures too. Thanks again mom for the photos. So sit back, and enjoy the many, many pictures...
The kids were all spoiled - hell, we all were - but it only happens one time a year! Thank you to everybody for all the cool stuff.
Thanks to Eric and Leslie for having us over for New Year's. We all had so much fun!