Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Grades are in and the girls are doing awesome. I am so proud of them!

Abriana needs to learn to keep the talking to a much lower level, as well as bring her homework home. But other than that, she continues to be a smarty.

Kayla was put in all day kindergarten since her assessment showed she may need a little help to pass at grade level. Well...it is working; she is above grade level! She is reading, doing math and learning how to tell time. She's so funny with 'the clocks that have hands.' It will be 3:20 and she'll tell us it's almost 4!

The grey line is the target goal, where they should be to be at grade level. The black circle is where they are at!

And as you can tell, I got the scanner working. Simplest thing. All it needed was a little reset; unplug for a few seconds and presto! I came upon that little tidbit on accident. Thought maybe the power strip was going out so I plugged the scanner into the wall and the candle warmer into the outlet the scanner was in, and all of it worked. So I put all the plugs back where they were to start with and I'm a scanning and printing now.

So Cheyenne starts screaming this morning, "MAAAAHMMM. BUUUUUG!" over and over. I go and get the bug swatter as she was scrambling up in the chair still screaming "BUG! BUG! MOM! BUG!" and found this:

I told her, "Honey, it's a sticker!" She looked down from her crow's nest and said, "Oh." then climbed down and had a much closer look at it. Her nose was about 2 inches away from it when she decided it was safe. She picked it up, put it on the table, and was off to continue to play with her cell phone.

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