Monday, February 4, 2008

Kids are funny.

Jason needed a little R&R from the brutal week of storms he drove through and got stuck in, so we stayed home this weekend. The kids, however, had cabin fever. So when we had a break between storms Saturday afternoon and the sun came out, we told the kids it was the perfect time to go build a snowman. They all bundled up and went out there with the best intentions, I'm sure. I took a picture of their attempt at a snowman, but the camera didn't like it and it didn't show up. There was just a pile of snow in the front yard! It was too cute.

They had given up pretty quick and were riding their bikes. So Jason and I went out there to help them. Well...Jason did the building, I took the pictures and the kids helped a bit. Cheyenne had more fun spinning the wheel she found.

We discovered the problem with the snowman Abriana and Kayla were trying to make: the snow in the front yard wasn't perfect for a snowman, so we went out back. Jason got the bottom of the snowman done and told the older girls to push it to the front yard.

They did get it moving, it just took them awhile, so Jason helped them the rest of the way.

Jason wanted a really big snowman since we actually had enough snow for one. Or so we thought. There just wasn't enough of the "good stuff" to roll up in a big ball. He got the middle portion as big as he could while Abriana packed as much as she could for the head.

It's a bit out of proportion but everyone had fun. Kayla and Chey had had enough of the cold though, and went in the house before 'man' (as Chey calls it) was completed.

Jason picked some dead flowers that grow in front of the house for arms and Abriana even found some rocks in the frozen ground to complete him. Let's just hope Ruger doesn't eat its nose like last time!

After we were all too cold for any more fun, we went inside. Abriana was telling me about an assignment she had where she had to unscramble words and how it was hard. I told her it wasn't that hard, so she read the questions off her paper to me to see how fast I could figure them out.

"Can you carry this r-t-y-a?" she asked.

I said "tray."

"Ok that was an easy one. This one's harder. 'Why are you l-a-y-w-a-s smiling'?"

"Always," I spit out.

She rolls her eyes but continues to ask me all 15 questions. I got them all in a snap and each time she'd sigh in frustration. She decided to make it harder for me; she would think of a word and scramble it up.

"Ok, Mom. Let's see if you can get these. r-s-s-a-g."


"Ok. o-t-t-a-y-l-l."


"Arrgh. s-e-g-s."

I said, so matter-of-factly, "Well if you add a 'u' then it spells guess."

She replies, "The answer is guess."

"Ok, the word guess has a 'u' in it."

"Oh. How 'bout a-t-l-f."


"NO! I got you, it's fault! HaHa! You got it wrong!"

I calmly said, "I don't think so. The word fault also has a 'u' in it. The letters you gave me spell flat, so I did not get it wrong."

"Well I tricked you anyway," she says thinking she's one up on me.

We did this quite a few more times until I was done playing this game. I told her she couldn't trick me or give me a word I couldn't figure out. So Kayla decided it was her turn to be funny. She asked, "Mom, what is your name?"

I laughed at the cuteness, "Mom."

She asks, "What color is the sky."

My first answer was purple, but then she told me to be 'sewious', so I answered blue. She then asks, "What is the opposite of down?"


Abriana and Kayla just start rolling on the floor in hysterics, laughing, "Mom blew up! HA HA HA Mom blew up!"

I thought their reaction was funnier than the joke!

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